Kiraly Baths tickets

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Budapest BathsKiraly Baths

Update: Király Baths is currently under renovation and will remain closed until the reconstruction work is completed.

Király Baths is the oldest thermal bath in Budapest, built during Ottoman rule. Known for its medieval Turkish design and little to no maintenance in five centuries which only adds to its old-world charm, Király Baths is an instant appeal to history buffs. Király Baths, with its traditional octagonal pool and Turkish dome which lets sunlight seep through, is a sight to behold. It is impossible not to get transported back in time as one enjoys a traditional Turkish bath in its rustic environment.

While Király Baths get renovated, Budapest has a lot more thermal baths to offer to its guests. Plan your visit to Budapest Baths and experience a rejuvenating bath like no other in the healing thermal waters of the city.

Király Baths Architecture

kiraly baths in budapest

Király Baths retain the architectural elements of medieval Turkish baths. It was built in the 16th century. The building still holds a medieval charm with bricks and a dim-lit interior. The main attraction of the Baths is the octagonal pool under the central dome. Domes were an integral part of Ottoman architecture. The central dome over the main pool in Király Baths has holes to let natural sunlight into the bath. Around the pool are colorless arches, complimenting the Ottoman-style architecture. The floors are marbled, and baths tiled. There are benches around the main pool for visitors to rest. The overall design of the building is typical of the baroque style Ottoman architecture that prevailed in the period, and the same can be found in the design of the courtyard, small pools, and hallways.

Pools at Király Baths

Király Baths have a special place among other spas in Budapest. It's the oldest in the city and still retains the characteristics of an authentic Turkish bath. A modest bath complex, Király Bath houses four thermal pools. Except for the main pool with a central dome, all other baths are relatively small. There's also a jacuzzi pool that can accommodate five people at a time.

Currently, Király Baths are going under renovation.

Király Baths Highlights

turkish bath in budapest

Turkish Bath

At Király Baths, you can experience a traditional Turkish bath in all its historic glory. What sets it apart from the other thermal baths is the beautiful, octagonal pool under the central dome of the bath complex. This rejuvenating experience of soaking in warm, thermal water is only enriched by the fact that the thermal water is also medicinal in nature.

steam bath

Steam Bath

Since the medieval periods, steam baths have been a part of many societies. At Király Baths, tourists can enjoy a steam bath in enclosed spaces where thermal water is filled to make steam. Steam, as much as geothermal water, is known for its medicinal properties.



The sauna at Király Baths allows tourists to relax in the steam room. The steam used here is from the geothermal water springs. Saunas have always been a part of Hungarian culture and are now an extension of the famous baths in Budapest.

Frequently Asked Questions About Király Baths

Q. What are Király Baths?

A. Király Baths in Budapest is a traditional Turkish thermal bath. It's the oldest geothermal bath in Hungary, erected in the 16th century.

Q. Do the Király Bath waters have medicinal properties?

A. Yes, Király Bath sources water from the natural geothermal springs of  Lukács Baths. The water contains minerals like sodium, calcium, magnesium bicarbonate, and sulfate chloride.

Q. What is a Turkish Bath?

A. A Turkish bath, also known as a Hammam, is a steam bath popular in Turkey and various parts of the world, since medieval times. Traditional Turkish baths comprise an octagonal pool with thermal waters.

Q. Is Király Bath a Turkish Bath?

A. Király Baths were constructed by the Ottomans, and feature traditional Turkish bath features like octagonal pool and a Turkish dome. It is different from the modern Turkish bath.

Q. Where can I book my Budapest Baths tickets?

A. A range of ticket combinations for Budapest Baths is available online here.